Racing Surfaces Testing Laboratory

Race Track and Arena Surface Testing

Maintenance Quality System

The Maintenance Quality System (MQS) represents the current best practices for racetrack maintenance.  Implementation of this system is critical to efforts to provide consistent surfaces for racing and training.  Full MQS implementation also meets the reporting needs associated with federal and state regulations and provides a basis for sharing data for continuous improvement.

The steps required for the Maintenance Quality System are: 

  1. develop basic design documents for the current racing and training surfaces including maintenance equipment descriptions, track design information, protocols, and baseline material testing as well as to implement an equipment tracking system, 
  2. implement a pre-race meet or seasonal track inspection system with a complete set of advanced surface measurements and,
  3. develop and implement daily maintenance tracking and measurements.

The basic design documents are developed the first year of implementation and require only minor updates in subsequent years. In addition to the development of the basic MQS structure, training will be provided to the maintenance crew on data input and measurements to ensure that best practices in data tracking are developed and used. The complete testing of the surface will then occur each year prior to the race meet, or for tracks which have longer meets that include a change in seasonal conditions the testing will be done during both the dry and wet, or hot and cold, portions of the race meet. This testing ensures that the adaptation of the surface which is done for the different seasons results in the most consistent surface possible. 

Full implementation of the Maintenance Quality System will position the racetrack as an industry leader in maintenance monitoring with the ability to use data for continuous improvement and will help to document that the appropriate standards of care are maintained for the racing surface. All testing data exists in a relational database which can be used to link to research, regulatory or racetrack analysis using AWS S3 and for racetrack communication systems using an RSS feed.